Mailing list

Join the Timelapse mailing list

When you join the Timelapse Mailing List, you will receive very occasional emails from me concerning Timelapse. I hate spam just as much as you do, so I really do mean occasional postings!

What its used for

The Timelapse Mailing List is used to inform you about:

  • software updates, especially new versions of Timelapse;
  • new features and bug fixes in these new versions
  • just noticed bug reports that may affect your work, usually with a workaround until the new version comes out
  • occassional tips and tricks that help make your work more effective.

Subscribe in one of two ways.

  1. Go to the Timelapse mailing list and fill out the Subscribing to timelapse-L section by entering your email, name and a password of your choice.
  2. Alternately, send me an email (see Contact page) telling me you want to subscribe to the timelapse-l list. Include your name and the best email address to use.

To unsubscribe

Reverse the above. You unsubscribe by either visiting the link mentioned in step 1 again, or by emailing Saul.

Can you post to this list?

Yes, by emailing However, I do heavily moderate this list. I will read your post, and respond to you directly as needed. I will then allow your post to appear on the main list only if I think it is highly relevant to other readers.