
License Terms

The Timelapse Image Analyzer project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. You should read the full license details, which clarifies the main points as summarized below. If in doubt, contact me (see Contact page).

Use of the executables. I am normally fine (and indeed encourage) the free use of the executables contained in this project for its intended end-users. This is almost anyone who wants to used Timelapse for turning images of any type into data. The majority of current end-users are for-profit and non-profit conservation-oriented agencies (university, government, industry) and their staff (scientists, researchers, students, technicians, independent consultants) that monitor and track wildlife, bird life, fishery usage, and/or human impact. What they normally have in common is that they are all processing images taken by remote field cameras, where the results are used for the public good.

Attribution. Give credit where credit is due. Cite both this web site and this academic paper in scientific works. Acknowledge its use as part of your own web sites, project reports, and media, preferably by name and by providing links to the website and/or academic paper as best fitsc. A little recognition is always nice to get, and helps spread the word.

3rd party software. Timelapse software includes 3rd party software. Most are licensed under similar terms, but not always. This is why you should read the full license details.

Use or modification of the source material. It’s easiest to comply if you fork the Timelapse Github project to your own open repository and receive no monetary compensation for any changes you will make. If you want to contribute directly to this repository, contact me.

Commercial use, including resale. You have to get in touch with us at to arrange terms.

Donations. I develop Timelapse pro-bono, i.e., without charge as most agencies that use it do not have a large budget. However, feel free to make a donation if you can afford it. There are costs associated with developing this software, which I do out of pocket.

Contractual work. If you need any specialized work done, I am open to contract work.